Climate Journalism Shorts

Climate Journalism Shorts is a video series sharing guidance and tips from professional journalists on how to develop compelling climate-focused media.

Climate Journalism Shorts:

What Makes a Good Climate Change Story?

Learn how to conduct reporting and interviews for a climate change story with tips from expert environmental journalists Alister Doyle, Jeremy Lovell and Malcolm Davidson.

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  • The Great Melt by Alister Doyle 
  • Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet  by Johan Rockström and Owen Gaffrey
  • The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells
  • No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference by Greta Thunberg.
  • An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power by Al Gore


  • Breaking Boundaries: The Science of the Planet: a 75-minute Netflix documentary 

Climate Journalism Shorts:

Interviewing for a Climate Change Story

Learn how to conduct reporting and interviews for a climate change story with tips from expert environmental journalists Alister Doyle, Jeremy Lovell and Malcolm Davidson.

Recommended additional resources

Climate Journalism Shorts:

Making a Climate Change Podcast

Get expert tips on producing and recording a climate change podcast with climate journalists and podcasters.


Recommended additional resources